Michigan Tribal Health Programs (12 Tribes) Bay Mills Indian Community, Michigan: http://www.baymills.org/ Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, Michigan: http://www.gtbindians.org/ Hannahville Indian Community, Michigan: http://www.hannahville.net/ Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Michigan: http://www.kbic-nsn.gov/ Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Michigan: http://lvdtribal.com/ Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, Michigan: https://lrboi-nsn.gov/ Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians, Michigan: http://www.ltbbodawa-nsn.gov/ Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of…

American College of Healthcare Administrators (ACHCA): https://achca.memberclicks.net/ Arise Veteran Foundation: https://ariseveteranfoundation.org/ Alzheimer’s Association of Missouri: https://www.alz.org/greatermissouri Future Without Poverty: http://www.futurewithoutpoverty.org/ Tribal Affiliations

Senior Care 2.0: https://drkendallbrune.com/product/senior-care-2-0/ Religion & Healthy Aging: https://drkendallbrune.com/product/religion-healthy-aging/ Resident & Management Relationships: Sustainable Review: Educational Gerontology:

Anthem Lakes: https://www.anthemlakes.com/ American Indian Medical Healthcare Institute: Knowles Home Assisted Living & Adult Day Care: https://knowlesassistedliving.org/ The Landings at Reed Station: https://www.livingatthelandings.com/ National Licensure Board of Long Term Care: https://www.nabweb.org/ Tribal Tech, Inc: http://www.tribaltechllc.com/ Indian Health Services- Behavioral and Mental Health Advisory Board: https://www.ihs.gov/ Alzheimer’s Association: https://www.alz.org/ American College of Healthcare Administrators: https://achca.memberclicks.net/ HIPAA Complete: https://hipaacomplete.com/ Brune & Associates:

Alente Enterprises: Brune & Associates:

Meharry Medical College: http://www.mmc.edu/ University of North Texas: https://www.unt.edu/ Pawnee Tribal College: http://pawneenationcollege.org/ Resident Centered Care: Healthcare Compliance: https://www.aapc.com/ Privacy Regulations: Administrative: Healthcare Policy: Community Development: